The Société ferroviaire et portuaire de Pointe-Noire s.e.c. (SFP Pointe-Noire) is a limited partnership whose general partner is controlled by a private-public partnership comprising the Québec government and a consortium of companies in the natural resource industry.
In 2016, through the SFP Pointe-Noire the Québec government acquired the railway and port infrastructure situated in the Pointe-Noire sector.
The objective is to ensure multi-user access to the SFP Pointe-Noire’s services in the natural resources sector or any area of activity that can take advantage of its assets and strategic positioning.
Through the development of its 500 ha of land available for industrial development, the SFP Pointe-Noire also hopes to serve as a vehicle for regional economic diversification.
To date, the establishment of the SFP Pointe-Noire has facilitated the relaunching by Quebec Iron Ore of operations at the Bloom Lake Mine, by Tacora Resources of the Scully Mine, and the establishment by Englobe of the Pointe-Noire Soil Treatment Centre.
Since 2016, the volume of iron ore concentrate that the SFP Pointe-Noire has handled has risen steadily and exceeded 9 Mt at the end of the 2019-2020 fiscal year.
Board of Directors

Claude Lafleur
Claude Lafleur is a company director and an Anges Québec investor. He is also the President of Gestion Piroches-sur-Mer, a private consulting firm that manages several financing and consultation mandates for Canadian businesses.
He served as Chief Executive Officer of La Coop fédérée from 2005 to 2014, the longest term served in that position in the institution’s nearly 100-year history.
Before he joined La Coop fédérée, Claude Lafleur was the Director General of the Union des producteurs agricoles. He has also worked for the Fédération des producteurs de lait du Québec and Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada. An agro-economist by training, he first studied at Université Laval, then completed the course work for a master’s degree at Michigan State University, then at HEC – Montréal, where he obtained an MBA.
Claude Lafleur embodies the culture of success. He is recognized for his unifying leadership, which has facilitated the initiation and realization of the major changes in his organization, its assets and staff demanded by changing production methods, the nature of local and international markets, and the nature of competition.
Claude Lafleur’s social involvement is significant. Aside from his active involvement in Centraide of Greater Montreal, he has chaired or co-chaired fundraising campaigns for the Centre des femmes de Montréal, the Fondation québécoise en environnement, Équiterre, and the Théâtre du Nouveau-Monde. He is also a member of the funding office of the Université de Montréal (faculty of veterinary medicine) and Université Laval (faculty of agriculture), and an entrepreneur-trainer at the École d’Entrepreneurship de Beauce.
Patrick Beauchesne
Société du Plan Nord
Patrick Beauchesne obtained a bachelor’s degree in forest resource management (B.Sc.A.) from Université Laval in 1989 and a master’s degree in forest science (M.Sc.) from the same university in 1991.
In 1992, he obtained an initial mandate from the Ministère de l’Environnement du Québec. He first worked as a project manager in ecological mapping in the Direction de la conservation du patrimoine écologique. He participated in several knowledge-related projects pertaining to integrated forest resource management, the ecological characterization of drainage basins, and the implementation of the Québec Strategy on Protected Areas.
In 2005, he was appointed Director of the Service des écosystèmes et de la biodiversité, then Director General of the Direction générale de l’écologie et de la conservation. From 2010 to 2015, he contributed to the elaboration of the territorial protection objective in the Plan Nord.
On December 3, 2014, he was appointed Assistant Deputy Minister for Sustainable Development and Environmental Quality, then Deputy Minister on July 4, 2017.
On February 6, 2019, after 27 years in the Ministère de l’Environnement et de la Lutte contre les changements climatiques, Cabinet appointed Mr. Beauchesne Associate Secretary General in the Ministère du Conseil exécutif and Secretary of the Comité ministériel de l’Économie et de l’Environnement.
The government appointed Patrick Beauchesne to the position of President and Chief Executive Officer of the Société du Plan Nord on November 13, 2019.

David Cataford
Québec Iron Ore Inc.
David Cataford holds a bachelor’s degree in mining engineering from Université Laval. He joined Champion Iron in 2014, after working for 15 years in the iron industry and in the Labrador Trough. He was appointed Chief Executive Officer of Champion Iron on April 1, 2019. In the position of Chief Operating Officer, Mr. Cataford played a key role in the management team and oversaw the successful resumption of operations at the Bloom Lake Mine. He brilliantly managed the construction and commissioning of the site in addition to assembling a team comprising more than 400 leading talents in the mining industry. Before he joined Champion Iron, he occupied several decisive management positions with Cliffs Natural Resources Inc.
His experience in the realm of iron ore mining includes ore characterization projects at Bloom Lake and for ArcelorMittal at Mount Wright, and the adaptation of the recovery circuit to satisfy new customer demands to maximize profit margins. David Cataford is also the cofounder of the North Shore and Labrador Mineral Processing Society.
Joe Broking
Director, President and Chief Executive Officer of Tacora Resources Inc.
Joe Broking has more than 23 years of combined experience in the areas of executive management, operations management, human resources management, corporate finance, treasury, capital fundraising, investor relations, compliance, risk management and information technology management. As Chief Financial Officer of Tacora Resources Inc. and Magnetation LLC., Mr. Broking helped raise over $1.5 billion in capital and implemented world-class business systems to support the build-out of five iron ore mines and a pellet plant. Mr. Broking’s prior experience includes work with several large multi-national corporations, international assignments, manufacturing management as well as economic development, including Chief Financial Officer of Magnetation LLC., President and CEO of Itasca Economic Development Corporation, Director of Operations at Bucyrus, Director of Finance at Terex, and Director of Financial Accounting, among other positions at Stora Enso.

Mukesh Ranjan
Tata Steel Canada Ltd.
Louise Poirier-Landry

We are seeking
visionary partners
Work with us to achieve Pointe-Noire’s
full industrial development potential
full industrial development potential
In addition to our world-class railway and port infrastructure, we possess 500 ha of land that is available and ready for industrial development. Do you have a project? Let us discuss it.