We possess all the infrastructure necessary to ensure rail transportation and natural resource and bulk commodities handling. Our ongoing modernization efforts and the valuable know-how of our maintenance teams enable us to offer facilities that satisfy the industry’s needs.
34 km
of railroad lines
accessible deep-water
industrial docks
2.5 Mt
of iron ore
storage capacity
500 ha
of industrial sites
Railway infrastructure
34 km
of railroad lines
286 000 lb/wagon
graded railway line
We own the Arnaud Railway facilities and equipment. The rail line bypasses the Baie des Sept-Îles between the branch line of the QNS&L Arnaud Junction railway and the dock of La Relance / railcar ferry landing pier (Port of Sept-Îles). The SFP Pointe-Noire is thus able to connect Northern Québec and Labrador to the continental rail network.

Port infrastructure
deep-water industrial docks
A bay that is navigable
The SFP Pointe-Noire offers preferential access to three deep-water docks that belong to the Port of Sept-Îles, a deep-water superport situated at the mouth of the St. Lawrence River between the Great Lakes and the Atlantic Ocean that offers access to world and North American markets and safe anchorage to high-tonnage vessels.

Industrial infrastructure
2.5 Mt
of storage capacity
petroleum storage site
The SFP Pointe-Noire has cutting-edge facilities and equipment to handle, transport and process ore and to maintain industrial facilities.

Land available
500 ha
of industrial sites available
Preferential access
to railway and port infrastructure
We own 500 ha of land that offers considerable industrial development potential. We are seeking visionary partners to develop these assets and thereby contribute to the region’s economic diversification.

We are seeking
visionary partners
Work with us to achieve
Pointe-Noire’s full industrial development potential
Pointe-Noire’s full industrial development potential
In addition to our world-class railway and port infrastructure, we possess 500 ha of land that is available and ready for industrial development. Do you have a project? Let us discuss it.