Industrial infrastructure
storage yards
water treatment plant
The SFP Pointe-Noire has cutting-edge facilities and equipment for all activities related to natural resource exploitation, mainly handling and transportation but also ore processing and the maintenance of industrial facilities:
- infrastructure of two storage yards;
- two ore unloading stations;
- two stacker-reclaimers;
- a 7-km conveyor network;
- an oil tank farm with truck loading ramp;
- a water treatment plant with five pumping stations;
- an additive warehouse with a capacity of 50 000 tonnes;
- six storage silos;
- an electric substation;
- a parts warehouse with yard;
- rail, industrial and mechanical workshops.
Yard 1
- 2 Mt of storage capacity
- One stacker-reclaimer with a nominal hourly capacity of 4 000 tonnes
- One dumper hopper
Yard 2
- 500 000 tonnes of storage capacity
- One stacker-reclaimer with an hourly capacity of 8 000 tonnes
- One single tippler